Camera Cash

Monday, September 3, 2012

Passport Application (Funny as hell)

Please Share if you think this is CRAZY!
Subject: Passport application letter

Want a good laugh? Read this. Maybe all of us should write letters such as this one to our representatives.
Sure would jolt them out of their smugness.
You’ll have to overlook some of the language.

Dear Mrs. Ms. Or Sir:

I'm in the process of renewing my passport and still cannot believe this.

How is it that Radio Shack has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a cable TV from them in 1987 (23 years ago), and yet, the Federal Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date.

For Christ sakes, do you guys do this by hand? Ever heard of computers?

My birth date you have in my social security file. It's on EVERY income tax form I've filed for the past 30 years. It's on my Medicare health insurance card and my driver's license, it's on the last eight damn passports I've had, it's on every stupid customs declaration form I've had to fill out before being allowed off the plane for the last 30 years. And it's on all those census forms that we have to do at election times.

Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother's name is Maryanne, my father's name is Robert and I'm reasonably confident that neither name is likely to change between now and when I die.

Between you an' me, I've had enough of this bureaucratic bullshit!

You send the application to my house, then you ask me for
my #*&#%*& address.

What is going on? You must have a gang of bureaucratic Neanderthal morons working there!

Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? And "No," I don't want to dig up Yasser Arafat, for shit sakes. I just want to go and park my ass on a sandy beach. And would someone please tell me, why would you give a damn whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days?

If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, I'd sure as hell not want to tell anyone!

Well, I have to go now because I have to go to the other end of the city and get another #*@&#^@*@& copy of my birth certificate to the tune of $100.

Would it be so difficult to have all the services in the same area so I could get a new passport the same day? Nooooo, that would require planning and organization. And it would be too logical for the @&^*^%@% government.

You'd rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off. Then, we have to find some asshole to confirm that it's really me in the damn picture - you know, the one where we're not allowed to smile... Hey, you know why we can't smile?

We're totally pissed off!


- An Irate Citizen.

P.S. Remember what I wrote about getting someone to confirm that the picture is me? Well, my family has been in the United States of America since 1776. I have served in the military for something over 35 years and have had security clearances up the ying yang. However, I have to get someone important to verify who I am - you know, someone like my doctor....... WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED IN INDIA!

And you assholes want to run our health care system?????

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Florida lifeguard fired for rescuing drowning man

Lifeguard (© Mike Harrington/Getty Images)

Florida lifeguard fired for rescuing drowning man

6 hrs ago
Blow your whistle on this one: A Hallandale Beach, Fla., lifeguard has been fired for rushing to rescue a drowning man. Apparently the company that hired him to help patrol the beach objected to the fact that he left his appointed zone to participate in the rescue. "We have liability issues and can't go out of the protected area," his supervisor told the Sun Sentinel newspaper. "What he did was his own decision. He knew the company rules." Tomas Lopez, 21, said he doesn't regret rushing to save the struggling man, even if it cost him his job. "Someone needed my help. I wasn't going to say no," he said. A hero in red swim trunks, we say.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A drunk lady flirts with cop

Well this helps me feel better about myself when I get drunk! It has never been that drunk

Furry little (big) animals dancing

Dont you hate when furry little (big) animals can dance better than you!

These guys really can move! LOL

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6 People Who Single Handedly Screwed Entire Economies

#3. William Paterson Ruins Scotland

The man: A guy who wanted to seize one of the most valuable pieces of land on earth.
The Impact: Blew a fifth of all the money in Scotland, forced it to merge with England to form Great Britain.

Anyone with that large a wig is up to no good.
The tiny little strip of land that connects North and South America -- where the Panama Canal is today -- is one of the most strategically important bits of land in the world. That was true even before there was a canal -- just look at a map and you'll see that the two halves of the globe need to cross that little strip of land if they want to trade (and not sail all the freaking way around South America).

It's a bit of a time-saver, is what we're saying.
If you control that shit, you have the world by the balls. So a guy in Scotland named William Paterson said, hey, let's start a colony there and we'll rule this shit. That seemed like a great idea to Scotland, which was in the middle of an economic disaster and in general depressed because it had been 400 years since Braveheart happened.
Money poured in from investors from all levels of Scottish society, 400,000 pounds sterling total. If that doesn't sound like a lot, let's put it this way: it was a fifth of all the money in circulation in Scotland at the time. In terms of impact on the economy, it'd be like if an American investor rounded up $400 billion in one risky scheme, or the equivalent of 20 Bernie Madoffs.

"Surely this will prove a safe basket for all our eggs."
In July of 1698, the first expedition to the Isthmus of Panama, carrying Paterson, his wife and his child, set sail. Colonists arrived and promptly erected 50 cannons and a fort. Boom! We control world trade, baby! That was easy!
Then people started dying. A combination of the hot season and tropical disease devastated the colony, and shipwrecks and delays prevented backup supplies from showing up. The colonists finally bailed out -- Paterson himself was nearly dead from fever and had to be carried onto one of the fleeing ships.
Glasgow University Library
All of his finest wigs perished in the voyage.
Scotland, not knowing that everything had gone to shit, sent another expedition of 1,200 people and four ships. Upon arrival, they found much to their surprise that a) the previous colony had gotten the fuck out of there and b) Spain had found out about their little scheme and sent a bunch of warships to put a stop to it.
And with that, Scotland realized that Paterson's plan had flushed a fifth of their wealth down the toilet. A few years later, Scotland would wind up signing the Acts of Union with England, based partly on England's promise to give them money to make up for what they lost on Paterson's scheme. The two united to form Great Britain and somewhere, William Wallace was spinning in his grave.

"All of that money would have been better invested in killing more British people."

#2. A Single Snitch Kills the Flow of LSD

The Man: A chemist who was making virtually all of the world's LSD. In a nuclear missile silo. Until he got caught.
The Impact: About 90 percent of the world's acid supply vanished overnight.
The impact on Phish ticket sales was disastrous.
Methamphetamine is so easy to make, rednecks in trailers are able to produce thousands of pounds per year with only a few dozen deadly explosions. The production of LSD is much more involved. It requires expensive lab equipment, a deep understanding of chemistry and precursor chemicals you can't find in your garage. At any given time, only a couple of people in the entire world are capable of actually producing acid.
From 1991 to 2000, almost all of the world's LSD was made by a respected chemist named William Pickard. He was the former deputy director of the L.A. Drug Policy Research Program and a former research director at UC Berkeley. Pickard viewed acid as a religious sacrament, and offered prayers before cooking up every batch. Since that cooking process often involved inadvertently dosing himself with hundreds of hits of high-test LSD, Pickard had a definite interest in ensuring its quality.

You try doing highly advanced chemistry under the influence of five hundred hits of shitty acid.
Pickard then partnered up with a wealthy pot dealer named Gordon Skinner. Skinner used his money to purchase an old Atlas-E nuclear missile silo. He turned it into the perfect post-apocalyptic luxury pad, complete with an $80,000 sound system and marble hot tub.
His goal was to establish a sort of hippy utopia, dedicated to manufacturing mass quantities of LSD and being a sweet ass place to crash after Burning Man. Pickard was drawn by the opportunity for a secure cooking spot and Skinner's promise to donate several hundred thousand dollars toward clinical research on psychedelics at Harvard.

Finding college age volunteers for an acid study would take about four minutes of standing on the quad with a clipboard.
But, before production could start, Skinner ran out of money. He was arrested in a casino, after he attempted to pass himself off as an Interpol agent. It's worth noting that Skinner was on a winning streak at the time. He basically committed a two-count felony for the sheer sake of being balls out crazy.
"Put it all on 'impersonating a federal officer.'"
Pickard realized Skinner was crazy and made the decision to move his operation out of the silo. But Skinner had sold out pretty much as soon as he was cuffed, and the Man was hot on Pickard's trail. As he drove away with all his lab equipment and enough ergotamine tartrate to make 15 million hits of acid, William Pickard was pulled over by the highway patrol and arrested for holding an entire Summer of Love worth of hallucinogens. He got a life sentence, and the government estimates that taking him off the street slashed the worldwide supply of LSD by 90 percent.
As for Gordon Skinner, the man who ruined a million parties? He got off scot-free. Although he had to sell the silo.

Damn the man.

#1. Augustus Heinze Crashes the American Economy

The Man: Just a guy who owned some copper mines in Montana, who had a get rich quick scheme.
The Impact: The stock market plummeted 50 percent and nearly collapsed the U.S. economy.

Above: Not the ketchup guy.
Every so often, a person comes along who is so talented at what he does that anything else he tries seems like a miserable failure. That's true for Michael Jordan's baseball career, and it was true for Augustus Heinze's career as a banker. He'd made his fortune as a copper baron in Butte, Montana, but, in 1906, Heinze decided to try his hand at making some real money. New York money.
For a while, Augustus did well. He served on bank boards all across the country and quickly ingratiated himself with the financial "scene" of the day. But then he and his brother Otto came up with a plan. A stupid, stupid plan.
New York is a city built on stupid plans.
Remember what we said about short selling in the earlier entry? Well, people were shorting stock in this guy's copper company, and Augustus and Otto figured, well shit, there's an easy way to fix that. We'll just buy up all the shares ourselves. Remember that short selling involves a promise to buy later, so the brothers figured, if we hold all the stock, they'll be forced to buy it from us. We can gouge the shit out of them and we'll be rich! Hell, why didn't anybody else think of this?
It worked. For a day. Shares of United Copper started at $39, and by the next day had shot way up to $60.
It was a good time to be copper.
But they had miscounted now many shares were out there, somehow, and the short sellers had no problem buying elsewhere. Everyone figured out what the Heinzes were doing and started dumping the stock. The price collapsed 85 percent, down to $10 a share. Heinze's brokerage house immediately went bankrupt, and that wound up being to the collapse of 1907 what Lehman Brothers was to the collapse of 2008.
The resulting chain reaction of disaster would be called the Panic of 1907, and the New York Stock Exchange plummeted to 50 percent of what it had been the previous year (basically, imagine if today the stock market fell by 6,000 points). Banks and businesses across the country started going belly-up by the dozen.

And that was the last time one man's greed ever crashed the economy.
Thanks in part to Augustus, the government saw fit to create the Federal Reserve in an effort to keep this sort of thing from happening in the future. Which, depending on how much Ayn Rand you've read, is either the savior of our economy or Satan himself.
For more ways we keep boning everything up for ourselves, check out 6 Natural Disasters That Were Caused by Human Stupidity and 6 Man-Made Natural Disasters Just Waiting to Happen.
And stop by LinkSTORM to discover which one of you screwed the Internet up for all of us.
And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to get sexy, sexy jokes sent straight to your news feed.
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Read more: 6 People Who Single Handedly Screwed Entire Economies |

Monday, June 25, 2012

Facebook changed the email address on your profile, here's how to fix it

Oh Man! Face book has done it again,lol! They changed up once more without notice! Thats what we get with free stuff. We just have to go along for the ride until another free ride comes along right?!

Remember to leave a silly comment and share this post if you have time!
Duane Hoffman /
You may have heard (or read) that Facebook just changed your email address without even asking you — and in a way it did — but the whole thing's not quite as scary or dramatic as it might sound. And you can easily fix things with a few clicks.
Kashmir Hill of Forbes' Not-So Private Parts blog was among the first to report on the change. She labeled the whole thing as "Facebook's lame attempt to force its email service on you."
This all sounds scary! What happened?
You see, what happened is that the email address — or in some cases, addresses — displayed on your Facebook profile was changed from whatever it was to your Facebook email address. (Your Facebook email address consists of whatever is at the end of your Facebook URL slapped in front of For example: My Facebook URL is, so my Facebook email address is
For most people, this is pretty darn annoying as all the mail they receive at the Facebook email address winds up in their regular Facebook inbox. Based on a quick survey of friends and colleagues, it seems that this is inconvenient to a majority, as they prefer to receive their email in ... you know, their actual email inboxes.
Now that you understand the somewhat bad news better, here are two good pieces of news: Facebook didn't alter the default address on your account, meaning that the social network's whacky system only altered what is visible on your profile. And you can change your profile back to normal pretty easily.
Whew! So how do I fix this?
All you have to do is open up your profile page (hit the "About" button under your personal info), scroll down to the "Contact Info" box, and hit the "Edit" button. There you can toggle who can see which email address and whether it is displayed on your Timeline or not.
If you're not a fan of receiving your email in your Facebook inbox, I suggest hiding that address and simply making the one you favor visible.
Why did this all happen?
We reached out to Facebook in an attempt to figure out what happened and why the email addresses on people's profiles were suddenly changed. A spokesperson for the social network offered the following response:
As we announced back in April, we’ve been updating addresses on Facebook to make them consistent across our site.
In addition to everyone receiving an address, we’re also rolling out a new setting that gives people the choice to decide which addresses they want to show on their timelines.
Ever since the launch of timeline, people have had the ability to control what posts they want to show or hide on their own timelines, and today we’re extending that to other information they post, starting with the Facebook address.
The spokesperson did not explain why users did not receive any sort of notice when their profiles started displaying a different email address, even though we made sure to ask about that.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Time-Traveling Sea Monkeys (interesting)

Now this is something that no one ever thinks of or shouldn't I guess, but how interesting!

Can you imagine if this was humans that had to experience this way of reproducing! leave some thoughts below will ya! What would be your opinion on how it would really work?

Oh, and dont forget to share it right?!

Sea monkeys (brine shrimp) travel through time in the normal way, but they get both the benefits and hazards of having sex with others of their species from different time-periods. This is because these other brine shrimp are in differing places in evolution.
Brine shrimp lay eggs that only become viable when the environment is correct for them to hatch. There is no consistent time for this to happen. The wait for viability can be of decades duration – or less. From an evolutionary point of view it is rather like a given shrimp is mating with a time-traveler.
Nicolas Rode, of the Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, was inspired by this concept to mate sea monkeys of different time periods, and thus elucidate the no-doubt controversial subject of brine shrimp evolution and sex. As the creatures evolve, the males get better claspers for holding females, while the females get better at wrestling. The claspers hold the female tight for the mating, while the wrestling skills are used for evading the effort.
So, for his tests, the Montpellier-based Rode utilized dormant brine shrimp eggs from 1985, 1996 and 2007 — which he obtained from Utah's Great Salt Lake area (quite a distance from his French workplace). He then chose who was going to mate, and whether they would be matched with shrimp of their own time or another one. The 1985 female brine shrimp were at a great disadvantage when paired with males from later periods, fatally so. A 1985 female mating with a 2007 male would, on average, suffer a life loss of 12 percent. In brine shrimp terms, it was like mating with someone from 160 generations in the future.
— Douglas Chapman


"Sea monkeys from the future make deadly lovers," MNN (Mother Nature Network),, 6/19/11
"Time-Traveling Male Sea Monkeys Make Bad Mates," Wired Science,, 6/18/11

16-foot cactus severely injures Arizona city worker Read more here:

A Yuma, Ariz., city worker is in intensive care after a 16-foot-tall saguaro cactus fell on him and pinned him to the ground.City officials say William Mason was responding to an emergency water leak Tuesday in a Yuma subdivision.
While he was working, the cactus fell on him.
Other members in his work crew were able to free him and call 911.
The city says Mason suffered multiple injuries to his back and legs and remains hospitalized at Yuma Regional Medical Center.
Saguaro cactuses can weigh anywhere from hundreds of pounds to more than several thousand pounds, depending on how much water they're holding.

Funny cats in the water

Some of these cats are amazing! I have one that thinks she is a dog, and I can see how some of these cats think they are too! The one that keeps taking the glass and holding it was so cute!

Remember to leave a silly comment and share it if you have the time!

China's Awesome New Bra and More Weird News

wow! What an amazing story behind the China strategy! And I thought that I knew what extreme sports were until now! this is crazy! Watch this video and leave a silly comment and share it if you have time!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Paralyzed Rats Walk Again, Thanks to Electricity, Chemicals—And Chocolate

A once-paralyzed rat with a robotic harness.
Aided by a robotic harness and electrochemical stimulation, a once paralyzed rat climbs toward chocolate.
Photograph courtesy EPFL
Rachel Kaufman
Published May 31, 2012
Wearing a robotic harness, paralyzed rats have been made to walk again, according to a new studyalbeit with an oddly upright, humanlike gait and while stimulated by judicious jolts of electricity and chemicals.

It's the first time severely injured spinal cords have been reawakened, say researchers, who add that the technique might hold some promise for disabled people.
(See more health news.)
First, neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine and his team severed the spines of 27 rats, leaving some tissue intact but no direct nerve connections—and therefore no way for the animals to control their hind legs.
A week later the researchers put 17 of the rats on a sort of physical therapy regimen and began administering chemical injections and electric stimulation directly to the rodents' spinal cords. The remaining ten rats, used as a control group, received no treatment. (Also see "Stem Cells Repair Damaged Spinal Cords in Mice.")

The physical training began on a treadmill, with the 17 rats using a robotic harness—created especially for the study—that suspended the animals upright but did not propel them forward.
The treadmill exercise exploited reflexes that make walking in some ways passive, explained neuroscientist Naomi Kleitman of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).
"Imagine you can't get any signals from your brain to below the injury—you can still walk on a treadmill," said Kleitman, who wasn't part of the new study.
"The treadmill is dragging my right foot behind me," she added. "That will stimulate a reflex in my left leg that will make my left leg take a step."
(Related pictures: Paralyzed rats move again after food-dye injections.)
Anything for Chocolate?
In addition to the treadmill therapy, the trained rats received mild electrical stimulation—designed to mimic the signals the brain sends to move the legs—and injections of chemicals known to help nerve cells, which carry those signals, to better communicate.
After three weeks of treadmill training, 10 of the 17 rats were encouraged to take steps on a sort of tiny runway—still in the harnesses, though, and still being electrochemically stimulated.
Within a few more weeks—and with the incentive of a bit of chocolate at the end of the course—the runway rats were "sprinting" up stairs in their harnesses, study co-author Courtine said in a statement.
Though the rats still couldn't walk unaided, they had undergone a "nearly complete" regrowth of spinal nerve fibers, reestablishing the severed connections between brain and haunches, the study says. The effect was seen only the rats that had undergone training on solid ground—the untrained and treadmill-only rodents failed to regain voluntary movement in their paralyzed legs.
(Related: "Worms' Paralysis Turned On and Off With Light.")
Hope for People?
All these treatments are already being tested in people, NIH's Kleitman said. What makes the study exciting is that the methods have never before been tried in combination.
The electrochemical cocktail, she said, is what "to me, made this paper quite relevant, even though it's just in rats."
Mayo Clinic neurologist Tony Windebank agreed. "All the things they are doing in rats are things you can do in people."
He cautioned, however, that stimulating and enhancing the automatic walking reflex is "much easier to do in quadrupeds compared to upright animals."
But, he said, "I think it's an important step forward," even if "it's not the giant step for mankind—it's not going to translate to, Let's do this in people next month and have them walking."
Kleitman believes the severity of the rats' paralysis and subsequent recovery should give some people hope.
"Some people might say it's not worth doing anything with" severely paralyzed people, "because there's almost nothing left," she said. "Studies like this one show it's worth trying."

Texas fisherman prevails in epic battle with enormous alligator gar

Found this article on Grind tv. What an amazing adventure! So prehistoric!

And the dog grabbing on to his pants leg was crazy! WOW!

Remember to share this link and leave a silly comment if you have the time!

By: Pete Thomas,

Whether Brent Crawford has captured the world's largest alligator gar will never be known -- his scale bottomed out emphatically at 300 pounds and he filleted the prehistoric-looking fish after attempting to obtain its weight.

But this much is clear: The gar Crawford landed while bow-fishing recently in Texas' Lake Corpus Christi is among the largest specimens ever captured -- and it was captured in a manner like no other gar captured beforehand.

(The largest-known alligator gar caught while bow-fishing weighed 365 pounds. The largest caught on rod and reel weighed 279 pounds.)

Crawford, who has lived on the lake for 20 years, was alerted to the presence of several giant gar in a wide canal feeding into the lake: an enormous female swimming with about five smaller males.

His reaction, according to the Corpus Christi Caller Times, was simply: "Oh goodness. That fish right there was worth chasing."

The newspaper's outdoors columnist, David Sikes, produced a detailed account of what transpired next. The following is a condensed version:

Crawford, with his fishing bow, stalked the great fish carefully, knowing he might only get one shot.

When he finally fired, he scored a direct hit, unleashing the fury of the 8-foot, 2-inch beast, which created an explosion of mud and water before it ran toward the lake.

Big problem, because the nylon cord had become tangled at Crawford's feet, and when he grabbed the line, as it began to tighten, it became wrapped around his hand.

The line went taut and the fish yanked the fisherman into the water headfirst. That's when Crawford's dog, Bleux, grabbed him by the cuff of the jeans, creating a bizarre riverbank tug-of-war.

Crawford ultimately was able to free his hand from the cord and stand knee-deep in the shallow canal, gripping his fishing bow, the cord still attached to the mighty fish. "There was no doubt who was in control and it wasn't me," the fisherman recalled.

The gar stole 200 feet of cord in a battle that lasted 45 minutes, before Crawford reeled it to the bank. Soaked and exhausted, the fisherman straddled the fish, reached for his cellphone -- which he had kept in a waterproof case -- and dialed a friend.

The friend arrived with a pistol, which resoundingly ended the struggle, and the two men used a rope and an ATV to drag the quarry to Crawford's house.

It wasn't until after Crawford had carved up his catch that he learned the Texas bow-fishing record for alligator gar is 290 pounds, and the overall state record is 302 pounds.

Record or no record, it was a monstrous gar and one of the wildest angling feats in Texas history. It's a shame that there isn't a category for that.

-- Image showing Brent Crawford with his amazing catch is courtesy of the fisherman

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Fun Facts about BOOBIES!

This girl is so funny! She gives some crazy facts about BooBies!
Remember, Make sure you leave a very silly comment and share the hell out of this post!

Arkansas campaign manager’s cat found dead with the word “liberal” scrawled on its side

Warning! Graphic image-

now with that said, this is just right down cruelty for no reason. Was the cat in politics?

I once knew a kid when I was growing up that when he was 10 killed over 20 cats in the neighbor hood. some very disturbing. Last I heard he was in jail for rape, but who knows what all he has done in hie pathetic life that he didnt get caught for. I can only wonder what is going through this guys mind that killed this cat! Please share this article.

Arkansas campaign manager’s cat found dead with the word “liberal” scrawled on its side 

Cat had been hit so violently that one of its eyeballs "was barely hanging from its socket.







Jake Burris, Ken Aden’s campaign manager, came home to find his cat dead on the front porch - with the word 'liberal’ scrawled across its body.

Jacob Burris

Jake Burris, Ken Aden’s campaign manager, came home to find his cat dead on the front porch - with the word 'liberal’ scrawled across its body.

An Arkansas campaign manager says he came home Sunday and found his family’s cat fatally bludgeoned on his front steps - with the word “liberal” scrawled across its side.
According to a statement from Democratic congressional candidate Ken Aden's campaign, Jacob Burris’ cat had been hit so violently that one of its eyeballs "was barely hanging from its socket."
The incident shook Burris, who expressed concerns about the safety of his children.
"I knew what we were getting into running in this district, but when you have four children, it makes you feel vulnerable," he told the Daily News. "It's a very red district... you see billboards all over the place with Democratic senators' names and the hammer and sickle on some of them, calling them socialists."
Though Burris says has no idea who'd want to target him and his family, he cited the popularity of conservative talk radio and the rise of conspiracy theories about President Obama as potential motivating factors.
"This is in no way representative of the community, but there is a strain of folks who just don't really live in reality."
Ken Aden’s rival, Republican incumbent Rep. Steve Womack, had nothing to do with the brutal act, the Aden campaign said in a statement.
“We suspect this is the action of a rogue individual or group of individuals who are the type of folks that stoop to the lowest common denominator instead of engaging in civil political discourse.”
Josh McMillian, Public Information Officer for the Russellville Police Department, said that they have no new leads in the case, and that they are providing extra patrols near the Burris family home.
Womack's campaign staff condemned the attack.
"The thought of brutalizing any animal for the sake of making a political statement is beyond any standard of decency and the person or people responsible for this act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law," Beau Walker, Womack's chief of staff, told the Daily News.
"There should be no tolerance in this nation's political discussion for this kind of behavior."

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Job Opening: $25/Hour To Become Crocodile Bait?


Found this crazy Video on Yahoo broken news

The sad part is I actually did this with Alligators growing up in south Louisiana when I was a kid for a whole lot less and caught snakes for the university for just a few cents.

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Job Opening: $25/Hour To Become Crocodile Bait?

Tue, Jun 12, 2012 10:12 AM EDT - 2:23
In Florida, a rash of recent crocodile incidents has prompted the state's wildlife commission to hire some new part-time crocodile wranglers -- but don't worry, no experience is necessary. Meanwhile in Sweden, one political party would like men to pee sitting down. Let us explain...

Here is the link, I tried embed the video for you guys, but the damn I frame wouldnt work

But you can still like this video right?!

The Making of Piranha 3DD

 Making of the Pirranna 3DD
OMG! how funny this was! So many great actors too! (and yess the Hoffman is in it)
oh and there was a few boobs in it also like we really care! (well.... maybe  just a little)

Makes you want to skip any trips that have biting fish involved for sure!

Watch this funny as hell preview

Remember to leave a silly comment and share the hell out of it!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Guy has a sex change and sells his parts to a local diner for big bucks!

Hey guys, I found this article and had to laugh and puke at the same time! (yes it was difficult)
This guy was smart on how he went about this! Who ever can say they fed their balls to someone and got paid for it?!
Remember to leave a silly comment and share this crazy post!!

Bizarre News - From Soup to Nuts Saturday, May 26, 2012

Greetings fellow Bizarros:

So-called sexual minorities, that is transgender persons, have been doing a lot of fighting for recognition in the last few years. They want to be able to marry, to go to school functions like proms together and the right to use whatever bathrooms they wish. And if they can gain a few privileges for themselves, more power to them.

But in this case, one "sexual minority" has gone a little too far in drawing attention to his (for lack of a better pronoun) cause.

Mao Sugiyama, a 22-year-old Japanese artist, had his penis and testicles surgically removed in order to live as an "asexual", that is without gender. But then he decided, in order to raise awareness about sexual minorities and to raise funds to help pay for the surgery, that he was going to cook his own genitals and served them to five paying diners in Tokyo.

Diners paid 20,000 yen for the plate with a portion of genitals. The meal was prepared under the supervision of a certified cook and diners were required to sign a waiver indemnifying Sugiyama and event organizers.

Steps were taken so the act met all relevant laws, including a ban on organ sales, processing of medical waste and even food sanitation requirements.

The genitals were braised and served with mushrooms and a parsley garnish.

Sugiyama said he received questions from some women and men asking 'Will there be a next time? Please host it again.' Apparently, the meal did not leave a bad taste in the diners' mouths.

But there is only one set of male organ," he tweeted. "I have no plan for the next time."


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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dress Made of Wine

I think this is so great! I mean the trouble that folks go through to get attention! We all do it.

Just makes you wonder what side affects does it cause from touching the skin?

Micro'be' fashion is made from wine and beer. Photo courtesy of bioalloy.orgMicro'be' fashion is made from wine and beer. Photo courtesy of bioalloy.orgWe've heard red wine can benefit your health, but how about your closet? Researchers at The University of Western Australia have just discovered a way to make the beverage into clothing. The process is a lot easier than you'd think: the fabric actually creates itself without any weaving. Talk about futuristic fashion!

Get a great price on a bottle of red

Scientist Gary Cass was inspired to create cellulose garments when he noticed a skin-like rubbery layer covering a vat of wine that was contaminated with Acetobacter bacteria (don't worry--it's non-hazardous and non-pathogenic). He worked together with artist Donna Franklin and used the bacteria to transform alcohol into a cellulose fabric by pouring and wrapping it against a mold or human body. The resulting material clings to the body and is entirely seamless. The duo then successfully created fermented fashion made of red wine, white wine, and beers like Guinness, which all retain their natural odor and color. Apparently the fabric feels like sludge while it's wet and forming, but once it's dry the fitted material acts like a second skin. Since the clothing is made with living microbes, the creators have named the fabric Micro'be'.

The best fabrics for summer

Wine is made into an actual garment on a mold. Photo courtesy of bioalloy.orgWine is made into an actual garment on a mold. Photo courtesy of bioalloy.orgThe creators are first to admit there are some flaws to their design. The fabric lacks flexibility--clearly a big problem. How would you take these items on and off? How would they wear? Another dilemma: wearers may not enjoy smelling like an alcoholic beverage all day long. Cass and Franklin are currently working on these issues to make the fabric more commercial, and they're optimistic about their experimentation.

Even with these issues resolved,  Micro'be' garments may take some getting used to. (We feel the fleshy appearance of red wine fabric looks like Lady Gaga's famous meat dress!) But there are many advantages to using the unique textile. The garments require no sewing, which means less labor and low production costs. Micro'be' is also eco-friendly, organic, and biodegradable. So while we don't see this material taking over the fashion industry just yet, we do think Cass and Franklin are on to something.

This isn't the first time clothing has been made out of consumable goods. Last year a German microbiology student created a fabric from milk, and many artists have crafted fashionable looks from fruits and vegetables.

Would you wear a garment made from wine or beer?

Related links:
PHOTOS: Food as fashion
PHOTOS: Edible dresses
Introducing the edible wedding dress cake!
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Pileup at the White House

Now that is funny! LOL! Not only did the dude wreck, he left the scene! I thought these guys supposed to set examples for all of us! I think next time I have an accident I will leave and go have breakfast! LOL!

By , Published: June 11

It has been a Junius Horribilis for President Obama.
Job growth has stalled, the Democrats have been humiliated in Wisconsin, the attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation, talks with Pakistan have broken down, Bill Clinton is contradicting Obama, Mitt Romney is outraising him, Democrats and Republicans alike are complaining about a “cascade” of national-security leaks from his administration, and he is now on record as saying that the “private sector is doing fine.”
Could it get any worse?
Early Monday morning, Obama learned that it could. His aides delivered the news to him that his commerce secretary had been cited for a felony hit-and-run after allegedly crashing his car three times over the weekend. In one incident, the previously obscure Cabinet officer apparently rear-ended a Buick, spoke to the car’s occupants, then hit the vehicle again as he left.
Thus did Jay Carney, the oft-besieged White House press secretary, have another briefing carjacked by bad news. And Carney, who either didn’t know the details of the bizarre episode or wasn’t at liberty to divulge them, had to execute a full range of defensive maneuvers.
“I can simply tell you that he was engaged, as has been reported, in a couple of traffic incidents,” Carney began, as if the secretary, John Bryson, had been photographed by a speed camera or two. Bryson “suffered a seizure, was hospitalized. But beyond that I’ll refer you to Commerce for the details.”
“Is the secretary healthy and fit to serve?” inquired Ben Feller of the Associated Press.
“I would refer you to the Commerce Department.”
Ann Compton of ABC News asked whether the White House chief of staff, who spoke to Bryson, considers the incident serious.
“I don’t have a specific response to give you,” Carney said.
CNN’s Brianna Keilar asked about “the timing of the seizure in relation to the accident.”
“I would refer you, as I said in the past, to the Department of Commerce,” Carney answered.
“I’ve been asking them for hours,” Keilar protested.
“I think I would refer you to the Commerce Department,” was Carney’s rote reply.
The former journalist informed the questioners that he “was not a presiding doctor on this case” and could confirm only that “the commerce secretary was alone, he had a seizure, he was involved in an accident.”
“He was involved in several accidents,” called out April Ryan of American Urban Radio.
“Thank you for the correction,” Carney said. He did not sound grateful.
Carney’s non-defense doesn’t suggest much job security for Bryson, who, depending on what caused the episode Saturday, has either a medical problem or a legal problem.
For the White House, it was just the latest entry in the when-it-rains-it-pours ledger. This has been one of the worst stretches of the Obama presidency. In Washington, there is a creeping sense that the bottom has fallen out and that there may be no second term. Privately, senior Obama advisers say they are no longer expecting much economic improvement before the election.
Carney had the unenviable task of confronting the full arsenal of gloom at Monday afternoon’s briefing.
The AP asked about the president’s unfortunate private-sector-is-fine remark. The Reuters correspondent asked about the economic “head winds” from Europe. Ed Henry of Fox News Channel asked about the looming contempt-of-Congress vote against Attorney General Eric Holder. Margaret Talev of Bloomberg News asked about the Supreme Court striking down Obamacare. Norah O’Donnell of CBS News asked about calls for a special prosecutor to probe leaks. Victoria Jones of Talk Radio News asked about the stalled talks with Pakistan.
Carney sought relief by calling on TV correspondents from swing states, but the one from Wisconsin asked about the failed attempt to recall Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the one from Nevada asked about her state’s unemployment rate, the nation’s highest.
Mostly, though, questions veered back to the commerce secretary’s motoring.
AP Radio’s Mark Smith asked whether Bryson “is now on medical leave.”
“I would refer you to the Commerce Department.” (Eight hours later, Carney issued a statement saying that Bryson was indeed taking such a leave.)
Ryan asked about “mandatory physicals” for Cabinet nominees.
“I don’t have any details about that.”
A New York Daily News correspondent asked if Obama has confidence in Bryson staying on the job with a “felony rap.”
This one Carney answered — by not answering. “He is concerned about Secretary Bryson’s health and broadly about the incident,” the spokesman said — in marked contrast to the “absolute confidence” he said a moment later that Obama has in Holder.
Apparently Bryson will have to clean up his own wreckage. This White House has too many other pileups to deal with.

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What Are Bath Salts and Why Do They Make People Go Crazy? Published June 07, 2012 Fox News Latino zombiewalk section.jpg Flickr bath-salts-frog_art.jpg Flickr Next Slide Previous Slide A West Virginia man raped and killed his neighbor?s pygmy goat. A Louisiana man gnawed off a chunk of his neighbor?s face during a fight. A Biloxi burglar stabbed a sleeping man along his neck at 5 am and then begged for permission to stitch up the wound. The unusual acts had one thing in common: the people who committed them were allegedly under the influence of a cocktail of synthetic amphetamines and hallucinogens, commonly known as ?bath salts.? The designer drug caught national attention after Rudy Eugene mauled a homeless man and ate half his face. Though no police source has confirmed that the man who has become known as the ?Miami Zombie? took bath salts, speculation that he did has fueled interest in the drug, catapulting it to the top of web searches for days after the attack. Jeffrey Scott, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Agency, told Fox News Latino that while it had not been confirmed that Eugene used bath salts, his behavior was consistent with cases of violence reported by others who have overdosed on the drug. There?s absolutely zero idea of what they?re putting in these things. If you?re an user and you?re trying it, you?re playing Russian roulette - DEA Spokesman Jeffrey Scott Bath salts, a catch-all name for a group of at least three synthetic drugs, began appearing around 2008?first in Europe and Asia, and then in the United States, Scott said. The chemicals themselves are produced mostly in India and China and then shipped to the United States, where they are mixed, put in bags and distributed at head shops and gas stations or mailed to customers who find the product online. ?They?re literally mixing it in a cement mixer in a garage somewhere,? Scott said. ?There?s absolutely zero idea of what they?re putting in these things. If you?re an user and you?re trying it, you?re playing Russian roulette.? Marketed toward young adults as a legal high, the synthetic drugs aren?t concentrated in any particular area, according to Scott. ?We have seen this flare up everywhere,? said Scott. Depending on the mix, bath salts can provoke effects that mimic those of both stimulants and hallucinogens, and have the capacity to provoke psychotic episodes. The federal government banned three of the chemicals used in bath salts-- mephedrone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone and methylon?in October of last year, while regulators assess whether the chemicals have any use more productive than getting violently high. Follow us on Like us at Read more:

Found this article on Fox News Latino,

What ever happened to just smoking pot to get a steady buzz and drinking tequila to mellow out? This is becoming world wide. I read about something similar in Russia. Now we have to worry about our kids eating the dog because they are that high. This isnt even a real high, so fake. I believe in folks having the right to do what they want until they start hurting their surroundings.

A West Virginia man raped and killed his neighbor?s pygmy goat. A Louisiana man gnawed off a chunk of his neighbor?s face during a fight. A Biloxi burglar stabbed a sleeping man along his neck at 5 am and then begged for permission to stitch up the wound.
The unusual acts had one thing in common: the people who committed them were allegedly under the influence of a cocktail of synthetic amphetamines and hallucinogens, commonly known as ?bath salts.?
The designer drug caught national attention after Rudy Eugene mauled a homeless man and ate half his face. Though no police source has confirmed that the man who has become known as the ?Miami Zombie? took bath salts, speculation that he did has fueled interest in the drug, catapulting it to the top of web searches for days after the attack.
Jeffrey Scott, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Agency, told Fox News Latino that while it had not been confirmed that Eugene used bath salts, his behavior was consistent with cases of violence reported by others who have overdosed on the drug.
There?s absolutely zero idea of what they?re putting in these things. If you?re an user and you?re trying it, you?re playing Russian roulette
- DEA Spokesman Jeffrey Scott
Bath salts, a catch-all name for a group of at least three synthetic drugs, began appearing around 2008?first in Europe and Asia, and then in the United States, Scott said. The chemicals themselves are produced mostly in India and China and then shipped to the United States, where they are mixed, put in bags and distributed at head shops and gas stations or mailed to customers who find the product online.
?They?re literally mixing it in a cement mixer in a garage somewhere,? Scott said. ?There?s absolutely zero idea of what they?re putting in these things. If you?re an user and you?re trying it, you?re playing Russian roulette.?
Marketed toward young adults as a legal high, the synthetic drugs aren?t concentrated in any particular area, according to Scott.

?We have seen this flare up everywhere,? said Scott.
Depending on the mix, bath salts can provoke effects that mimic those of both stimulants and hallucinogens, and have the capacity to provoke psychotic episodes.
The federal government banned three of the chemicals used in bath salts-- mephedrone, methylenedioxypyrovalerone and methylon?in October of last year, while regulators assess whether the chemicals have any use more productive than getting violently high.
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Monday, June 11, 2012

Drunk Man Fell Asleep In Wrong House, New York Police Say

NEWSTEAD, N.Y. -- Authorities in western New York say a 20-year-old man thought he was sleeping on his friend's couch when state troopers woke him up over the weekend.
It turns out he was off by about 20 miles.
State police say a homeowner in rural Erie County town of Newstead woke up around 4:30 a.m. Saturday and found a stranger sleeping on his couch. He was unable to wake up the stranger, so his wife called 911. When troopers arrived, they found the very intoxicated man still sleeping on the couch.
Troopers say the man told him he thought he was at a friend's house on Grand Island, 20 miles west of Newstead.
The man was charged with criminal trespass and issued an appearance ticket for Newstead Town Court.

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